Journal #52

February 16th, 2016

It’s 3 pm and I’m still feeling better than I have the past few days. Not great, but a little more content. Lunch was okay. I’m pretty anxious about dinner, though, because I have pizza for the THIRD time in FOUR days! I don’t even like pizza; it’s a major challenge food for me. Unfortunately, there was a mix-up with the meal plans by the dietitians, so Diane had to pull an old one of mine from two weeks ago for today…and lo and behold, I have pizza -.- Mama’s coming for family session in about 30 minutes, so I’m looking forward to that. My weight was good again today, although my vitals weren’t great. But at least I’m on Level B 🙂

Kailey and Liz were both having very hard days today, which was hard for me to watch. It’s so hard to see someone you care about so much struggling with something you can SO empathize with. I genuinely feel their pain. It was nice to be in a little bit better of a headspace today though, so that I could be more of a “giver” than a “taker” in terms of support, in group today. I was definitely lopsided on the “taker” end yesterday.

Tomorrow I have my first Taper Day! I have a massage in the morning (which has been a planned reward since I began treatment, that I would receive on my first Taper Day), then Brad and I are going to lunch at Elephant’s. It’s a challenge for me, but I’m excited to do it with him.


1 Comment

  1. Hi Bridgette

    Your Dad just turned me onto your blog, we met yesterday morning when he was in The Bay Area visiting Grammie and Gramps. Stay strong and remember I’m praying for ya. Much love . . . uncle jim

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